Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Me all for myself

The 10 Best Things About Being Single
By Wendy Bolton Floyd and Judy Bolton
Singles often feel left out in our couple-driven society. Whenever you're tempted to feel down because of your singularity, remember these reasons why flying solo can be the best way to go:

1. You can make last-minute plans with your friends and stay out all night if you want.
2. You can lie on both sides of your bed and have all the covers to yourself.
3. You can flirt with the opposite sex without someone saying, "Who are you looking at?"
4. You can make your own decisions.
5. You don't have to remember your significant other's birthday or anniversary.
6. You have no one to clean up after.
7. You can leave the toilet seat permanently up if you're a man, or permanently down if you're a woman.
8. You can make a list of things you always wanted to do...and actually do them.
9. You can listen to your favorite radio station in the car.
10. You can actually hold on to the remote control.

Personally, I like the thought of "me all for myself". I think I am only willing to share my time and resources with somebody in my family or my children or my husband (conditionally). If he lives up to his role in running a family, in being a supportive husband, then I wont mind sharing my time, my resources, my life with him. Otherwise, never mind. I'd rather be alone. With so many broken marriages nowadays, with many single people around, there is really no reason to hurry into marriage. Marriage is not obligatory. I must admit though that I envy those people who truly found a great partner; those that glow in each other's presence without being demonstrative. But I must admit also that I rarely find couples to be truly envious of.
I do admire people who became better persons because of their marriages.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Dreamland adventure

I ventured into dreamland last night. And, it was a beautiful dream but R-rated. It is in my other blogspace. Click on the "Sweet Samurai's X-rated" link on the lower right side (below the profile) and sign in with your MSN account to verify access.

Click it away.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

My dear alma mater: UPLB

The institution that made who i am today. Thank you Japayukid for the upload.

And this is my college organization, one of the University of the Philippines' top student organizations. It is going to be our reunion soon but I can only sigh and and wish I could attend. It has been like 16 years since I last loitered in our "tambayan" but seeing this video brings back memories as if they are still fresh. Love you, UPLB! Love you, Hortsoc!