Thursday, January 24, 2008

Orbs in our midst

I took pity on our good old delapidated sofa so I thought of having it restored. I took a picture of it and showed it to a furniture maker so he can come up with a good estimate of the cost of repair. I took a few shots and found this spherical seemingly optical particles in the picture. Thinking these were just optical particles, I took many more shots. Yet, they are ever present in all the pics. That was when I realized there are orbs right inside our house! There are aliens in our house! This seems to confirm only what I have been feeling all along that there are unseen beings in our house, one of which I saw passing by at the left side of our house. What they are or do, that I don't know. So far, we are not falling ill. So they must be friendly beings. I hope.


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